
Coming up!

         Stockholm, Sweden! We fly out Friday morning for Sweden! We found a great deal on Ryanair for a flight. Only 140 euro round trip for 2 people! Hubs and I are so excited! I knew I'd be traveling a lot around Europe but Sweden is one of those places I figured I'd probably never see. I honestly don't know anything about Sweden except that it's expensive... boo. But I'm pretty sure hubs has been researching all kinds of things to do while we're there! We will definitely tour the city but we also plan to go out in the country side and do some hiking and adventurous outdoor stuff. It is colder there than here in Germany but as of right now the highs are around 52 degrees fahrenheit. So it could be worse I suppose. We'll be sure to dress warm! 

           Also coming up... solar panels! Yup, our landlord wants to put solar panels on our house. This is a big thing here in Germany. They are all over the place! I am really hoping this brings down our electric bill! Not that's it's high but anything that will have us pay less is great! I'll be interested in how they work and how much money they will save us. The landlord told us he wanted to put them on this past weekend. We were having a bonfire with about 25 of our German neighbors and their family. Our landlord had a lot to drink and was pretty drunk which was hilarious to watch! He speaks decent English but the more he drank the worse it got which just made it funny! So he drunkenly told us about solar panels but he didn't explain much. Then when hubs and I got home last night there was scaffolding in our backyard. I guess he meant he wanted to put them on right away! 

           And in the near future my parents are coming to visit! They are planning on coming at the end of November! I'm very excited for them to see where we live. They both have been to Germany before but to big cities and tourist locations. I'm can't wait to show them the small village we live in and the beautiful country side! 

          If you are looking at having family come visit go to your local SATO office. Not every location has them but you can get cheaper flights through them. Booking through SATO will save my parents around $800! They can also book leisure flights for you! If you're trying to find somewhere to visit drop by their office and ask if they have any suggestions! 

Here is a link for Germany SATO locations and Ryanair.

German locations for SATO